The Inkspot Monologues

In The Inkspot Monologues, a leading dysfunctional relationship therapist, uses the Rorschach blot to help Jack and Alice exorcise their unsuccessful romantic relationships. Their stories are told through words and pictures.
The Inkspot Monologues was published in March 2009 by Word of Mouth, an imprint of Can of Worms.
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A Few Reviews:
'Lots of fun :)'
Avi Abrams
'Looks great!'
Zolton Zavos
'A brilliant idea beautifully executed. An hilarious trip into the darkest corners of Relationshipville.'
Mark Mason, author of What Men Think About Sex
'It is one of a kind and very funny. It is a really clever idea and
is destined to have a loyal, if cult, following. Alice and Jack
tell the stories of their past lovers through a series of, somewhat
mutated, Rorscharch inkblots. It is funny, irreverent, and rather
rude in places. The perfect gift for the one you love.'
Scott Pack
'I am totally enamoured with it.'
Wim Lockefeer and
'Made me laugh out loud'
Joe Gordon
'Intrigued? So were we.'
(International magazine on Pop Surrealism)
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